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佚名 2024-05-24 人已围观




1.有谁知道奥迪A3 广告歌是什么!!!!!!


有谁知道奥迪A3 广告歌是什么!!!!!!

       the girl in the paper---seteroscope


       left or rihgt ,

       i don't want to lose your sight ,

       don't belong to get the day night,

       just want you keep your mind on me and you love me woh come to me

       come to me

       这里有音频,右键属性找到URL地址就可以下载啦 ~


       直接给你链接了 奥迪A3广告曲+完整版+MTV广告 /bbs/thread-26472-1-1.html **原声,加勒比海盗. 在酷狗上有一段40秒的,曲目叫“奥迪a3”不信可以去查 歌词大概是: left or rihgt , i don't want to lose your sight , don't belong to get the day night, just want you keep your mind on me and you love me woh``come to me
