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apollo solar

佚名 2024-05-30 人已围观


apollo solar

       感谢大家在这个apollo solar问题集合中的积极参与。我将用专业的态度回答每个问题,并尽量给出具体的例子和实践经验,以帮助大家理解和应用相关概念。

1.apollo solar

apollo solar

apollo solar

       The moon origin mystery: for lunar origins, scientists put forward three kinds of theories: capture said, homology and earth divided them all defective, said, but the Apollo would help proof, which seem least likely theory is the best theory. Some scientists think, the moon is with earth in 46 billion years ago, from a group of cosmic dust generator. Another theory is that the moon is the earth's "children", is perhaps the Pacific "dig" out. However Apollo moon exploration results show that the earth and the moon the composition of the difference is very big, some scientists have proposed another hypothesis, namely "captured". They think that the moon is accidentally broke into gravitational field, and be locked in the present orbit. However, it is theoretically explain the process mechanism, is extremely difficult. Therefore, the above three theory all difficult to hold water. As robin hallam especially by dr said: "to explain the moon does not exist, than to explain the moon exist easier."

       The moon age riddle: what is amazing is that the rock samples from the moon back, via analysis found that about 99 percent age than earth 90% oldest rocks more older. Armstrong in "quiet sea" after landing picked up the first piece of rock's age is 36 billion years old. Some other rock age 4.3 billion years old, 4.6 billion years old and 45 billion years old — — it almost and earth and solar system itself, the earth is as old as the oldest rocks is 37 billion years old. In 1973, the world symposium on the moon was a age determination for 53 billion years old of moon rocks. Is more surprising is that these ancient rocks are collected from scientists believe to be the youngest area on the moon. In light of the evidence, some scientists propose that the moon on earth formed before long was established in interstellar space formed.

       The lunar soil years older than rock greater mystery: the moon ancient rock has made scientists helpless, however, and these rocks, compared to the

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