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       special的比较级:more special;special的最高级:most special


       1、做形容词时,它的意思是特殊的,特别的,不寻常的,不一般的;重要的,格外看重的;特别关照的,特设的,有专门目的的,胡仔起专门作用的。比较级:more special;裤逗汪最高级:most special



       英 [?spe?l]美 [?spe?l]


       1、special用作形容词常形容人或物在品质、用途等方面与同类显得不同,也可指需要特别对待或处理。还可表示“额外的; 格外的”,作此解时只用作定语。







       特别的, 特殊的







       Of special importance or significance; exceptional:


       an occasion of especial joy.


       Relating to or directed toward a particular person, group, or purpose:


       called his father with especial birthday wishes; gave especial attention to the decorations.


       Peculiar to the individual; characteristic:


       She has an especial fondness for mushrooms.


       Middle English


       from Old French

       源自 古法语

       from Latin speci?s [of a kind]

       源自 拉丁语 speci?s [某一种的]

       from speci?s [species] * see spek-

       源自 speci?s [种,类] *参见 spek-




       特别的; 特殊的

       a matter of especial importance




       in especial

       特别, 格外, 尤其







       Of special importance or significance; exceptional:

       an occasion of especial joy.

       Relating to or directed toward a particular person, group, or purpose:

       called his father with especial birthday wishes; gave especial attention to the decorations.

       Peculiar to the individual; characteristic:

       She has an especial fondness for mushrooms.

       Middle English

       from Old French

       from Latin speci?s [of a kind]

       from speci?s [species] * see spek-




       特派员, 专车, 专刊


       特别的, 特殊的, 专门的, 专用的






       adj.Abbr. sp.,spec.(形容词)缩写 sp.,spec.

       Surpassing what is common or usual; exceptional:


       a special occasion; a special treat.


       Distinct among others of a kind:


       a special type of paint; a special medication for arthritis.




       His special satisfaction comes from volunteer work.


       Peculiar to a specific person or thing; particular:


       my own special chair; the special features of a computer.


       Having a limited or specific function, application, or scope:


       a special role in the mission.


       Arranged for a particular occasion or purpose:


       a special visit from her daughter.


       Regarded with particular affection and admiration:


       a special friend.


       Additional; extra:


       a special holiday flight.



       Something arranged, issued, or appropriated to a particular service or occasion:


       rode to work on the commuter special.


       A featured attraction, such as a reduced price:


       a special on salmon.


       A single television production that features a specific work, a given topic, or a particular performer.


       Middle English


       from Old French especial

       源自 古法语 especial

       from Latin speci?s

       源自 拉丁语 speci?s

       from speci?s [kind] * see species

       源自 speci?s [种类] *参见 species








       特别的, 特殊的

       专门的, 专用的, 特设的

       额外的, 附加的

       特别亲密的; 主要的

       a special occasion


       a special purpose


       a matter of special importance


       special area

       特别地区, 特区

       special court -martial


       special delivery

       [美]快信, 快递

       special edition

       特刊, 号外

       a special hospital


       special memory


       special number

       (杂志等的)特刊, 特号

       special student


       special train


       He is not a special friend of mine.





       特别的人; 临时警察; 特别警卫人员; 特使


       特别的东西; 临时(列)车, 专车; 新闻号外, 特刊, 特稿, 特别通讯; 特制影片

       [美]选科生, 特别生



       Saturday -night special








       电木纸, 胶木纸





       专精一门, 专业; 特例




       专家, 专科医生



       专家的, 专门学科的, 专攻的




       特别, 异常, 临时

       特地, 专门地, 尤其



       特殊, 专门

       on special


       case screw special


       early week specials


       undergraduate special







       adj.Abbr. sp.,spec.

       Surpassing what is common or usual; exceptional:

       a special occasion; a special treat.

       Distinct among others of a kind:

       a special type of paint; a special medication for arthritis.


       His special satisfaction comes from volunteer work.

       Peculiar to a specific person or thing; particular:

       my own special chair; the special features of a computer.

       Having a limited or specific function, application, or scope:

       a special role in the mission.

       Arranged for a particular occasion or purpose:

       a special visit from her daughter.

       Regarded with particular affection and admiration:

       a special friend.

       Additional; extra:

       a special holiday flight.


       Something arranged, issued, or appropriated to a particular service or occasion:

       rode to work on the commuter special.

       A featured attraction, such as a reduced price:

       a special on salmon.

       A single television production that features a specific work, a given topic, or a particular performer.

       Middle English

       from Old French especial

       from Latin speci?s

       from speci?s [kind] * see species






       来自古法语 especial <拉丁语 specialis <species 种类

       意思是:与众不同的特别。是extra special的缩写。







       [复数:specials;比较级:more special;最高级:most special]


       special education特殊教育;特殊教育学;特别教育







